Saturday 10 December 2022

Ultraviolet Odyssey Part 1

This is the first part of a solo, narrative campaign within the Ultraviolet Grasslands RPG setting, created by Luka Rejec. The text was generated by the Chat GPT large language model, with multiple generations and further responses spliced together and edited. Some of prompts to generate the text were taken from the UVG sourcebook and/or fan materials. UVG and the Vastlands setting are  the intellectual property of Luka Rejec. This campaign log is unaffiliated with either WTF Studio or Luka Rejec.

The adventurers Karnelia di’Orca, Jalosti i’Grati and Arcia Bodizie are travelling through the Azure Ruins on their way to the Violet City.

Karnelia di'Orca is a tall and slender figure, with long dark hair and piercing eyes. She wears a flowing red robe adorned with intricate golden embroidery, and carries a staff topped with a blood-red crystal. A single black vertebra is  visible at the base of her neck, marking her as a member of the secretive wine vampire order.

Jalosti i'Grati is a short and stocky purple-skinned young wizard, with a wild mane of hair and a bushy beard. He wears a flowing purple robe, and rides a machine horse that shimmers with shades of rust and metal. In his hand, he holds a staff of polished black wood, etched with arcane symbols.

Arcia Bodizie is a rugged and weather-beaten Safranjina, with a scar running down her cheek and a patch over one eye. She is dressed in a patchwork of scavenged clothing, with a long, flowing coat of dark blue and a bandana tied around her head. She carries a curved sword at her side, a sign of her status as an exiled pirate. A small furry mutant vole sits perched on her shoulder, giggling at anyone who pets it.

Soundtrack: 'Church By the Sea' Dead Witches.

Chapter 1

The three adventurers made their way through the swamps of the Bluelands, their boots sinking into the muddy ground with each step. They could feel the weight of the damp air and the stench of rot was almost overwhelming. But every now and then, a gust of wind would blow in from the Lenticular Sea, bringing with it the clean, salty smell of the ocean and providing some much-needed relief.

The three adventurers trudged through the marshes of the Bluelands, . The air was damp and heavy with the stench of rot, but occasionally a favorable wind would bring the clean saltwater smell of the nearby Lenticular Sea.

Karnelia, the wine vampire priest, gazed around with fascination at the strange plants and creatures that inhabited the swamp. She had never seen such a diverse array of life before, and she was enthralled by the colorful petals of the swamp flowers.

But not all was well in the Bluelands. As they journeyed deeper into the swamp, Karnelia's heart raced as she saw a beautiful swamp wisp hovering near a patch of flowers. The wisp's glow was mesmerizing, and Karnelia was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. The wisp responded in a soft, lilting voice, and the two of them spent the entire day talking and gazing at the flowers.

Jalosti, who had been leading the group, suddenly stopped in his tracks, realizing that Karnelia was missing. "What's wrong?" asked Arcia, the pirate liberal, who was walking beside her.

"It's Karnelia," replied Jalosti the purple wizard. "She's disappeared."

"Where could she have gone?" asked Arcia.

"I think I know," said Jalosti, his voice grim. "She must have been entranced by a swamp wisp. They're known to be quite persuasive when it comes to matters of the heart."

The two adventurers looked at each other in alarm. "We have to find her," said Arcia. "We can't leave her here."

"Agreed," said Jalosti. "But we need to be careful. The swamp wisps are not to be underestimated."

They set off into the swamp, calling out Karnelia's name. After what felt like hours of searching, they finally heard a faint voice calling back to them. "Over here!" it said.

They followed the sound of the voice and soon came upon Karnelia, who was standing among a field of wildflowers. She was completely entranced, gazing at the flowers with a dreamy look on her face.

"Karnelia, we have to go," said Arcia, gently trying to pull her away from the flowers. "We've lost a day already and we need to get to the Ruins of Azure before nightfall."

Karnelia reluctantly tore her gaze away from the flowers and allowed herself to be led away. As they continued on their journey, they could feel the weight of time pressing down on them. They had to reach the Ruins of Azure before it was too late.

At last, they reached the outskirts of the Ruins of Azure. As they approached the ruins, they could see the crumbling walls and toppled towers of what once must have been a magnificent city. The air was heavy with the stench of decay, and the ruins themselves were overgrown with vines and weeds. But even in their state of decay, the ruins were magnificent, with towering columns and intricate carvings adorning the walls.

As they made their way through the ruins, they heard a voice calling out to them. "Help me, please! I'm being hunted!"

They cautiously made their way deeper into the ruins, their weapons at the ready. Suddenly, they came across a young woman cowering behind a fallen column. She was wearing tattered clothes and had a slave collar around her neck.

"Please, don't hurt me!" the woman cried out. "I'm Duresa Dei Esquelet, a fugitive slave. I was on my way to the Violet City to find my love, Destro, when I was captured and brought here. I managed to escape, but I don't know how much longer I can last in these ruins."

Karnelia, Jalosti, and Arcia looked at each other, and then back at Duresa. They knew they had to help her, and they quickly made a plan to get her to safety.

Chapter 2

As the adventurers make their way through the half-sunken Ruins of Azure, they are constantly on alert for any sign of danger. The damp and crumbling buildings loom around them, the ancient stones slick with moss and seaweed. The air is heavy with the smell of salt and decay, and the eerie calls of the seabirds echo through the ruins.

Duresa leads the way, her eyes constantly scanning the surroundings for any signs of the Safranji slaver gangs that roam these ruins. She is an escaped slave, desperate to reach the Violet City where her love, Destro, is waiting for her. She had been through so much in her life, and the thought of finally being reunited with him gave her strength. The adventurers offer to help her, knowing that the journey will not be easy.

But the adventurers are not afraid. Karnelia, the wine vampire priest, is cool and collected, her black metal vertebra glinting in the dim light. Jalosti, the purple wizard, is riding his machine horse with confidence, his rust-colored robes billowing in the wind. And Arcia, the exiled pirate, is grinning wickedly, her mutant vole giggling on her shoulder.

As they journey, they encounter a group of Emerald City inquisitors. The inquisitors are suspicious of the adventurers, and demanded to know their business.

Inquisitor: "Halt, travelers! We are inquisitors from the Emerald City, and we are here to root out worshipers of the thrice-cursed Dead God in the Bluelands. Who are you and what is your business?"

Karnelia: "We are adventurers, on our way to the Violet City. We have no business with the Dead God or his cultists."

Inquisitor: "Is that so? Then why were you seen coming out of the half-sunken Ruins of Azure, a known stronghold of the Dead God's followers?"

Arcia: "We were simply passing through the ruins, on our way to the Violet City. We had no knowledge of the cultists or their presence in the ruins."

Inquisitor: "I find that hard to believe. The Dead God's followers are known to be cunning and deceitful. You could be lying to protect them."

Jalosti: "We swear on our honor as adventurers that we have no connection to the cultists or their worship of the Dead God. We simply wanted to avoid the dangers of the ruins and continue on our journey."

Inquisitor: "Very well. We will let you continue on your way, but know that we will be watching you closely. If we find any evidence of your involvement with the Dead God's followers, you will be punished severely."

As they navigate the treacherous ruins, they come across a group of renegade cultists of the Dead God. The pale Bluelander worshippers of the Dead God are a sinister and dangerous group, known for their brutal rituals and sacrifices. They are clad in tattered robes of blue, their skin pale and waxy from years of living in the shadows.

As the heroes approach, the Bluelander worshippers surround them, their eyes gleaming with madness and fanaticism. They brandish crude weapons, their voices raised in a chorus of demonic chanting.

But the heroes are not intimidated. Karnelia, the wine vampire priest, uses her dark powers to call forth a swarm of bats, which sweep down upon the Bluelander worshippers, driving them back in fear. Jalosti, the purple wizard, unleashes a bolt of lightning from his staff, striking down several of the cultists and causing them to scatter in confusion.

Arcia, the exiled pirate, uses her blood memories to summon forth a ghostly pirate ship, which hovers above the cultists, casting a menacing shadow over them. The cultists falter, their courage failing them in the face of such powerful magic.

They continue on, the ruins giving way to the treacherous marshes that surround the Violet City. The stench of rot and decay is overpowering, and the adventurers are forced to pick their way carefully through the muck and mire. They are grateful for Arcia's keen navigational skills, as she leads them safely through the marshes and back onto the caravan road.

The journey is dull and mind-numbing, the landscape dominated by catcoffee plantations and Bluelander peasant small-holdings. They pass through small villages and towns, the people wary of outsiders and the dangers of the road. But the adventurers press on, determined to reach the Violet City and help Duresa reunite with her love.

Finally, after a week of travel, they reach the outskirts of the Violet City. The sun rises through a violet haze, casting a magical glow over the city. The adventurers can see the towering spires of the city's temples and palaces, the streets bustling with people of all colors and creeds. Duresa's eyes light up with joy as she realizes that she is finally close to being reunited with her love, Destro. The adventurers press on, eager to reach the city and continue their epic journey.

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Ultraviolet Odyssey Part 12: The Tollmaster Harlequins

This is the twelfth part of a solo, narrative campaign within the   Ultraviolet Grasslands  RPG setting, created by   Luka Rejec . The text ...